Revolution Café

Posts Tagged ‘Change’

Notable Quotes #60

Posted by revolutioncafe on December 17, 2008

December 17, 2008
Notable Quotes #60

Happy Wednesday!

No ramblings today, just straight to the quotes…

 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin

 “As human beings, our greatness lays not so much in being able to remake the world … as in being able to remake ourselves.”
Mahatma Gandhi

I was listening to the radio this morning on the way into work and heard a report on how the smaller Credit Unions were doing far better than the rest of the financial institutions.  I also heard an amazing statistic that over 90 million Americans use credit unions on a daily basis.  That’s a TON of people.  The story went on to say that these credit unions (cu’s) were also succeeding WITHOUT the T.A.R.P. bailout monies from the government.  When the reporter asked why the cu’s were doing so much better he said it was simple…they were aware of the markets around them and they had be responsive to the changes prior to the economic downturn.  They were able to adapt and change their lending habits, their interest rates, the way to obtain deposits, etc.

That really struck me as revolutionary.  It may not seem like it to some but think with me here…we can easily apply this to our lives as well.  If we take what Darwin says above it’s not the strongest or the most intelligent that survives, it’s the one most responsive to change.  In today’s economy that could not be more true.  I have interviewed for various positions within my company and there has been a theme from all that I have talked with.  If you are able to change and adapt to change you will succeed.  If you don’t like change or are not able to adapt, you will fail.  Pretty blunt I know, but it’s true.  The world is changing on a daily basis.  What about us?  Instead of trying to change or remake the world to be like us, why not take a different approach.  Being true to your convictions and your personal and social morals, why not change?  Why not be the conduit or catalyst of change?  Changes typically don’t happen overnight, so don’t expect this to be a quick thing, rather work on this daily.  Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and our habits, and ways of doing things weren’t created in a bang; change takes time.  Take small steps and don’t try to change all at once.

Until Next Time,

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